BC Palilula Tehnički gasovi, tng, metan pumpe | PC Palilula

Business center Palilula in Belgrade consists of: LPG (propane-butane) and CNG (METAN) pump, liquid fuels, shop, charging station for carbon dioxide (CO2) and distribution of all technical gases (oxygen, argon, nitrogen, ammonia, gas mixtures, carbon dioxide ) and a butane bottle.

Address: Dragoslava Srejovica Street 1, 11108 Belgrade
Working hours: 00-24h

Headqurters: +381 11 2761 759, +381 11 2762 752, +381 11 2762 753
Warehouse: +381 11 33 17 739, +381 64 82 92 925 
Pump - Shop: +381 11 2765 842, +381 64 82 92 931

E-mail: kryogas@kryogas.rs

Technical gases, LPG, methane stations |  BC Palilula